A book press release is an invaluable marketing tool. Apart from motivating potential readers to buy a newly published piece of work, a press release can also help summarize its contents, differentiate it from the thousands of other books released every day, and inform readers about the author’s credentials.

A well-crafted press release is the ultimate tool in a book marketing and PR team’s arsenal. It’s no wonder, then, that to generate excitement about a release, the first step most teams take is to look out for the best press release distribution service.

In this guide, we’ll outline why the press release is so effective at promoting a new book’s publication and give you some tips on how to make the most out of the distribution process. Let’s take a closer look.

The Power of Press Releases for Book Promotion 

Considering it is one of the oldest marketing tools ever used, how have media releases stayed relevant to content marketing distribution agencies in this digital age?

Among other factors, three in particular stand out:

  • They are an extremely cost-effective marketing tool

  • They build credibility and authority

  • They help establish a relationship with journalists and media houses

The goal of a book announcement press release should be to capture the attention of as many influential individuals as possible, who, in turn, will share it with their audiences. And, with the right distribution strategy, a well-written release is highly efficient at reaching a wide audience — from journalists to industry professionals and readers.


How to Write a Book Press Release

Before you begin looking up distribution services, it’s essential to understand the factors that make a book promotion release particularly effective.

Identify Your Audience

The first step involves identifying and targeting the right audience. Fortunately, a brief description of the book should offer some clues on where to begin. 

If, for example, the book writes about the best diesel-powered cars of the 21st century, there’s no point targeting your release to climate activists. Similarly, this extends to the journalists you target as well — a press release announcing the release of a young adult novel is unlikely to find a place in the next issue of the Economist.

Once a target demographic has been identified, you can streamline the press release distribution process by targeting only relevant publications and journalists. It will also help you craft a release that suits the needs of your identified audience. 

Formatting Your Media Release

Journalists are bombarded with dozens of press releases every day. Correctly formatting your press release is a great way to improve your chances of having your release published, as well as boosting your relationship with these journalists. 

A press release template mostly always follows a journalistic style — which means that the most important questions (who, what, when, where, and why?) must be answered at the outset, with less relevant information falling to the bottom. This is referred to as the inverted pyramid structure.

Each book press release must also have a clear and easy-to-understand headline, mention the place of publication along with the date, include a quote or two from the author, and end with an engaging call-to-action, which urges audiences to buy the book.

Some press releases also add a subheadline with supplemental information. 

Incorporating Key Information

As mentioned earlier, a press release is a journalistic piece of work. Unlike an advertising campaign that merely seeks to push sales, a press release must also tell the reader a story. When crafting content of your own, it’s essential to incorporate information that a user will find useful. 

This could be a short biography of the author, an essay detailing the context of the book, or an engaging synopsis. At the same time, giving out information related to the release date and availability is essential, as the eventual goal is still to convert buyers.

To craft an engaging press release, there are also some basic grammar and readability rules you can follow. Such as:

  • Write in an active voice

  • Use short sentences

  • Avoid unnecessary jargon or acronyms

Showcasing Endorsements or Reviews

Much like the blurbs and reviews on the back of a book, endorsements can also impact your press release distribution plan. 

A positive testimonial from a reliable source can go a long way in establishing credibility, improving the author's reputation, and convincing readers that this is a book worth buying.

When crafting a press release, these reviews could be included as a quote within the body copy or — depending on how well-known the reviewer is — its main selling point.

Consider this headline for an example of the latter:

“A Fortune 500 CEO recommends this book to all budding entrepreneurs.”

Adding Visual Appeal

One of the most recognizable quotes in recent history goes, “A picture is worth more than a thousand words.” 

A book press release is most effective when several high-value images accompany it. They could be the book's cover, high-quality author photos, or even related infographics, especially in the case of non-fiction books that work with large amounts of data. When selecting high-quality images, here are some best practices you could keep in mind: 

  • Use images that visually depict the content of your release

  • Use images to promote your call to action

  • Use images of all the people mentioned in your release


How to Promote a Book With a Press Release

Distribution Channels for Book Press Releases

Before you send a press release, it’s essential to consider the various distribution services and channels you have at your disposal.

Some of the most prominent examples include: 

  • Newswires: Provided your release is newsworthy and well-written, a newswire is one of the most cost-effective and customizable ways to distribute your release.  

  • Social media: Apart from being a mostly free option, social media, influencer promotions, and blog posts are a great way to target a specific niche audience with your release. 

  • Author websites: If an author has already built up a reputation or has a dedicated fan following, their website can be an effective distribution channel.  

  • Book industry websites: Readers are more likely to trust releases that appear on websites that have already established themselves as an authority on the subject.  

Timing Considerations

To improve the chances of a release being picked up by a journalist or media house, remember this: Timing is key.

Look out for any content in the book that could coincide with a relevant news cycle or key dates that could align with the publication's release.

For instance, a press release about a book that details the history of aircraft is more likely to be considered by a journalist on the anniversary of the first-ever passenger plane. Alternatively, press releases announcing a non-fiction book that deals with current affairs could be timed to ensure the topic is still relevant in the media. 

Measuring Success

Once a press release has been sent to relevant publications, it’s essential that marketing teams continue to track engagement. The goal of a press release, after all, is to be picked up by as many journalists and media houses as possible. 

Some ways to track the success of a press release include looking at metrics related to: 

  • Media coverage

  • Website traffic 

  • Social media shares 

Fortunately, keeping abreast of this information has never been easier, thanks to the dozens of analytics tools available online. 

Canada Newswire is one of the world's most well-regarded press release services today. Every release distributed through our service gives marketing and PR teams access to a complimentary visibility report, allowing them to track all the most relevant topline metrics. 


At the end of the day, there is no point in publishing a book if no one ever hears about it.

A well-timed and properly crafted press release is not only a cost-effective way to promote a piece of work but also an easy way to boost an author's credibility, enable them to reach a much larger base of potential readers, and turn their work into a bestseller. 

This blog has outlined most of the tips needed to properly craft and promote a release. However, we understand that writing a press release is rarely ever a straightforward process. So, in case you have any further questions related to your project, don’t hesitate to reach out to the Canada Newswire team. Our team is always willing to help!